JEAN VENGUA shares, "My writing desk is located in the living room, on a long table  where I also have my meals. I usually sit facing the front windows, with a view of the small brick patio in front of the house. The image on the cup is of Celine Navarro, from the Celine Archive film. Behind me is a work table that holds all my art gear. I live in a priest's cottage, and the priest (Father Lawrence H. Farrell) was particularly well-read, and had shelves built-in to hold all his books. A popular guy, he was called 'Monterey's public priest.' As a writer/artist, I appreciate the bookshelves, and his curious choice of landscape plantings around the house (mostly Australian trees and bushes). Perhaps more importantly (regarding my creativity), I live within walking distance of several very good coffee houses and one Japanese tea house."

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